


Title : 位相限定相関法を用いた幾何学的画像補正処理のコンピューター診断支援システムへの応用 -デジタル口内法エックス線撮影によるインプラント安定性経時的評価のためのコンピューター診断支援システムの臨床応用-
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 田口長, 櫻井孝*, 川股亮太*, 香西雄介*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学顎顔面診断科学講座総合診療歯科学分野, *神奈川歯科大学顎顔面診断科学講座放射線学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 46
Number : 1
Page : 46-56
Year/Month : 2011 / 6
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」デンタルインプラント埋入後の初期安定性は, インプラントの形状や埋入部位の骨質や骨量, 術者の埋入技術などの機械的な要因により決定される. しかしながら, その後の長期安定性はインプラント周囲骨の形状やインプラント-組織境界面における骨の再生やリモデリングの状態, インプラントと周囲骨梁との連結性などに依存する1). また, インプラントの骨内安定性を評価することは, インプラントの加重時期や加重方法の検討, オッセオインテグレーション状態の評価, そして予後推測を行う上で非常に重要である. 従来からインプラントと周囲組織の境界面における接合状態やオッセオインテグレーションの状態, 骨内安定性は組織学的評価や電子顕微鏡による観察, 組織形態学的解析などにより詳細に評価されてきた2-7). また, インプラントの安定性を客観的に評価するための従来の評価法として, Removal testやRemoval torque measurementsが行われている1, 8, 9).
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : コンピューター診断支援, 位相限定相関法, 口内法エックス線撮影, デンタルインプラント


Title : Application of Geometric Image Collection Processing using Phase-only Correlation to the Computer-assisted Diagnostic Imaging System - Clinical application of Computer-assisted Intraoral Digital X-ray Imaging System for the Longitudinal Evaluation of Dental Implant Osseointegration -
Subtitle :
Authors : Hisashi TAGUCHI, Takashi SAKURAI*, Ryota KAWAMATA*, Yusuke KOZAI*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Oral Diagnosis, Department of Maxillofacial Diagnostic Science, Kanagawa Dental College, *Division of Radiology, Department of Maxillofacial Diagnostic Science, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 46
Number : 1
Page : 46-56
Year/Month : 2011 / 6
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : To develop an osseointegration analyzing system for evaluation of longitudinal stability of dental implants, a new computer assisted diagnosis system was constructed using intra-oral digital radiography with morphological filter and node-strut analysis. Phase-only correlation was applied to the analyzing system for geometrical correction between plural images, before evaluation images of dental implants were analyzed by the osseointegration analyzing system. Accuracy of geometrical correction processing was evaluated by the percentage difference of correction accuracy indices, the subjective evaluation of subtraction images and the quantitative evaluation of autocorrelation functions of phase-only correlation processing. The geometrical correction accuracy of longitudinal evaluation was also evaluated by the animal experiment using beagles that dental implants were implanted to the mandibular bones. Implant osseointegration was evaluated on the basis of four parameters related to the skeletal area around the implant (Sk.Ar/T.Ar), the total strut length (TSL), the total number of struts connecting to the implant (N.Im), and the number of struts which connects the implant with skeletal node (N.ImNd). The percentage difference of correction accuracy indices was reduced from 6.12% to 1.07% by the geometrical correction processing. The subtraction image between the reference image and geometrical correction image suggested that the correction was well carried out, because the signal which remained on the subtraction image hardly could be observed. Furthermore, the peak value of autocorrelation functions of phase-only correlation processing was improved from 0.56 to 0.99 by the geometrical correction processing. In the longitudinal evaluation of animal experiment, the dispersion of the data was markedly improved by the geometrical correction processing. These results suggested that the geometrical correction processing using phase-only correlation was very useful for the geometrical position correction between the plural images. It was also suggested that this osseointegration analyzing system could be useful for the evaluation of longitudinal stability of dental implants.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :