


Title : ヒト歯周炎歯肉in vivo再現モデルを用いたIL-1β発現についての解析
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 鎌田要平, 東雅啓*, 猿田樹理*, 佐藤武則**, 近藤裕介*, 浜田信城***, 槻木恵一*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学附属横浜研修センター横浜クリニック総合歯科学講座, *神奈川歯科大学顎顔面診断科学講座病理学分野, **神奈川歯科大学口腔治療学講座歯内療法学分野, ***神奈川歯科大学感染制御学講座微生物学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 46
Number : 2
Page : 139-149
Year/Month : 2011 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 【緒言】 歯周炎は齲蝕と並んで歯科を代表する疾患である. 平成17年度の歯科疾患実態調査では, 40歳代後半以降の年代で半数近くが歯周炎であり, 診査や治療に多くの時間と労力を費やしている. また同調査から一日の歯磨き回数が増加しているにもかかわらず, 歯周炎罹患状況が改善しないのは従来の診断によるプラークコントロール中心の治療のみでは歯周炎の減少, 歯の喪失によるQOLの低下に歯止めがかからないことが指摘されている. 歯周炎の進行, 発症には個人差が大きく, 従来の検査に更なる細菌学的, 免疫学的診断が必要と考えられており, 歯肉に対する免疫反応の評価が行われてきた1,2). 特に, 炎症反応時に認められる炎症性サイトカインであるinterleukin1や6(以下IL-1, IL-6と略す)を指標とした研究が多数行われてきた3,4). 近年の報告から, 歯肉上皮細胞は病原性微生物に対して感染防御壁として機能し, 細菌の侵入に応答して抗菌ペプチド産生などの免疫機能を有する一方で, IL-1β 5), IL-6 6), IL-8 7)を分泌し, 炎症反応時のサイトカインネットワークにおいて中心的役割を果たしていることが示されている8,9,10).
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : IL-1β, P.gingivalis, periodontitis, gingiva


Title : Analysis of IL-1β expression level using in vivo experimental model of human gingiva with periodontitis
Subtitle :
Authors : Yohei KAMATA, Masahiro TO*, Juri SARUTA*, Takenori SATO**, Yusuke KONDO*, Nobushiro HAMADA***, Keiichi TSUKINOKI*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Comprehensive Dentistry Yokohama Clinical Education Center of Kanagawa Dental College, *Division of Pathology, Department of Diagnostic Science, Kanagawa Dental College, **Division of Endodontics, Department of Oral Medicine, Kanagawa Dental College, ***Division of Microbiology, Department of Infection Control, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 46
Number : 2
Page : 139-149
Year/Month : 2011 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] The expression level of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) mRNA was investigated using an in vivo experimental model of transplanted human periodontitis gingiva. Human gingival tissue samples were collected from patients with periodontitis (n=11), and the samples were divided into two groups: a mild and moderate periodontitis group (n=7) and a severe periodontitis group (n=4). The gingival tissues were transplanted into male nude mice (BALB/cAJcl-nu/nu). After two weeks, Porphyromonasgingivalis was infected into the subcutaneous grafts of the nude mice. In all infected samples (experimental group), an increase in small vessel and infiltrated inflammatory cells such as neutrophils were observed. The grafts injected with culture fluids (control group) showed only a few inflammatory cells. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction, the mild and moderate periodontitis group showed IL-1β expression levels of 0.013±0.011 in the experimental group and 0.003±0.003 in the control group, with a significant difference of P<0.05 between the two groups. In the severe periodontitis group, IL-1βexpression level was 0.002±0.001 in the experimental group and 0.008±0.007 in the control group, and there was no significant difference between the two groups. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the proliferative activity of the gingival graft between the mild and moderate periodontitis group and the severe periodontitis group. IL-1β was observed to be localized in the epithelial tissues and connective tissues, and high expression was observed mainly in epithelial cells of the spine. It was reported that P.gingivalis-caused inflammation results in increased IL-1β expression levels. However, the experimental group with severe periodontitis did not show increased levels of IL-1β expression in our in vivo experimental model. Thus, it was suggested that the difference in IL-1β production is due to differences in the state of periodontitis disease.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : IL-1β, P.gingivalis, periodontitis, gingiva