


Title : サイバーナイフ治療を適応した上顎悪性唾液腺腫瘍の1例
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 大澤孝行, 増田元三郎*1, 小沢重幸*2, 鈴木健司*2, 近藤忠稚*2, 久保田英朗*2, 井野智*1
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 横浜市立市民病院歯科口腔外科, *1神奈川歯科大学附属横浜クリニック総合歯科学講座, *2神奈川歯科大学顎顔面外科学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 47
Number : 2
Page : 93-97
Year/Month : 2012 / 12
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」口腔癌の治療に際し, 抗腫瘍効果の検討は云うまでもないが, 治療後の機能的, 審美的障害の検討や治療に対する患者の肉体的, 精神的許容量の検討が重要になる. 2004年から再承認を受けた定位放射線治療装置であるサイバーナイフ(CK)は, 近年頭頚部悪性腫瘍に対しその有用性が報告され, 放射線低感受性の唾液腺腫瘍や悪性黒色腫などに対しても適応されている1). しかし, 頭頚部悪性腫瘍に対するサイバーナイフの適応に関しては, 未だ明確な指標は示されていない. 今回アルツハイマー型認知症を既往症とする上顎悪性唾液腺腫瘍患者に対し, サイバーナイフ治療を適応し, 著効を得たのでその概要を報告する. 「症例」患者:77歳, 女性. 主訴:口蓋の腫瘤. 既往歴:アルツハイマー型認知症. 本症例のADL(日常生活動作)レベルはIIbで, 服薬管理, 電話の応答などは不可で, 原則的には一人での留守番は困難な状況であった.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 悪性唾液腺腫瘍, サイバーナイフ


Title : A case of upper malignant salivary gland tumor with a Cyberknife in the treatment
Subtitle :
Authors : Takayuki OHSAWA, Genzaburo MASUDA*1, Shigeyuki OZAWA*2, Kenji SUZUKI*2, Tadachika KONDO*2, Eiro KUBOTA*2, Satoshi INO*1
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Dentistry and Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, Yokohama municipal citizen's hospital, *1Division of Oral Surgery, Department of Comprehensive Dentistry, Yokohama Clinical Education Center of Kanagawa, *2Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 47
Number : 2
Page : 93-97
Year/Month : 2012 / 12
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] The Cyberknife is an image-guided robotic system designed for stereotactic radiotherapy. This system is very useful for head and neck cancers, malignant salivary gland tumors, and malignant melanomas that have a low response to radiation therapy in general. Here, we report a case of maxillary malignant salivary gland tumor treated with the Cyberknife. A 77-year-old woman was referred to our clinic having a tumor in her right maxillary region. The tumor was 40×40×50 mm in size, and it showed expansile growth toward the palatal side with ulcerations. It was diagnosed as a malignant salivary gland tumor by histopathological examination of the biopsy specimen. No metastases were detected. Because the patient complicated with dementia, conservative treatment with maximum efficacy was chosen. The Cyberknife treatment was, thus, introduced in terms of its high treatment efficacy in shorter period compared with an ordinary radiation therapy. The Cyberknife treatments were done 3 times, and local recurrences in pterygopharyngeal region were successfully controlled. Adverse events were assessed by the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events ver.4. Grade 3 stomatitis was observed only during the first treatment, in which TS1 was coadministered, and others of grade 2 or lower occurred during the subsequent treatment. The treatment was successful and the patient remains in a stable condition for 2 years and 4 months with no recurrence. In conclusion, the Cyberknife is effective treatment for malignant salivary gland tumors that developed in patients who are difficult to get cooperation from, or have low ability to adapt or understand procedures provided due to conditions such as dementia.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :