


Title : 唾液タンパク質の口腔疾患に対する抗菌作用について -Down症候群患者と健常者における比較-
Subtitle : 神奈川歯科大学学会 第47回総会宿題報告
Authors : 小松知子
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 口腔科学講座障害者歯科学
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 48
Number : 1
Page : 38-42
Year/Month : 2013 / 6
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「研究背景」唾液分泌の低下が1つの要因としてあげられる口腔疾患として, 生活習慣病の1つである歯周病や日和見感染症である口腔カンジダ症がある. 唾液は抗菌物質(ヒスタチン, シスタチン, ペルオキシダーゼ, リゾチーム, ラクトフェリン), 消化酵素(リパーゼ, アミラーゼ, プロチアリン), 歯石形成阻害作用(シスタチン, ヒスタチン, プロリンリッチプロテイン, スタセリン), 成長因子(EGF, NGF), サイトカイン類(TGF-α, TGF-β, IL-6), 老化防止ホルモン(パロチン)など様々な生理活性物質を含んでおり, それぞれが多様な特性をもち, 口腔内で様々な機能を発揮している. 特にヒスタチン5は, 主に耳下腺でつくられる24のアミノ酸残基からなる分子量3036の金属結合性ペプチドであり, 抗菌作用を示す1). う蝕菌mutans streptococci, 歯周病原菌Porphyromonas ginigvalis, 真菌Candida albicansに対して抗菌作用を示し, 口腔内細菌叢のホメオスタシスを維持するのに役立っている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : Histatin, Mitochondrial proteome, Candida albicans, 8-OHdG, Periodontits, Down syndrome


Title : Relation of Antimicrobial Activity in Salivary Proteins to Oral Disease -Comparison between the patients with Down syndrome and healthy control-
Subtitle :
Authors : Tomoko KOMATSU
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Dentistry for the Special Patient, Department of Oral Science
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 48
Number : 1
Page : 38-42
Year/Month : 2013 / 6
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : Individual aspects of the mode of action of histatin 5, a human salivary antifungal protein, have been partially elucidated, but the mechanism likely involves a complex set of events that have not been characterized. Previous evidence points toward histatin-induced alterations in mitochondrial function. The expression levels in the mitochondrial samples of Candida albicans treated with histatin 5 were determined by quantitative proteomics approaches employing mTRAQ and ICAT labeling. Relative quantitation ratios were established for 144 different proteins. Up-regulated mitochondrial proteins were predominantly involved in genome maintenance and gene expression, whereas proteins that constitute the respiratory enzyme complexes were mostly down-regulated. The mTRAQ and ICAT proteomics results suggest that key steps in the histatin 5 antifungal mechanism involve a bioenergetic collapse of C. albicans, caused essentially by a decrease in mitochondrial ATP synthesis. The 8-OHdG as a marker of oxidative stress in saliva of DS patients was evaluated. The mean of PD and GI values were not significantly different between young (1-12 years) patients with DS (DS-1) and controls (C-1) or between adult (30-62 years) patients with DS (DS-2) and controls (C-2). There were statistically significant positive correlations between the salivary 8-OHdG levels and GI in the DS-1, DS-2 and C-2groups, but not in the C-1. There were also statistically significant positive correlations between salivary 8-OHdG levels and PD in the DS-2 and C-2 groups, but not in the DS-1 or C-1 groups. The salivary levels of 8-OHdG of DS-1 and DS-2 groups were significantly higher than in the C-l and C-2 groups, respectively. The high oxidative stress may lead to some of the clinical features of DS, especially rapidly progressive periodontitis. In conclusions, the progressive oxidative stress occurred in DS patients. Oxidative stress and low concentration and secretion of salivary proteins, such as histatin, may contribute to the clinical features of DS, particularly to the progressive periodontitis, high colonization of C. albicans, and characteristic of early aging.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : Histatin, Mitochondrial proteome, Candida albicans, 8-OHdG, Periodontits, Down syndrome