


Title : ラット三叉神経運動核におけるニューロン-グリア細胞構築と三叉神経運動核に投射する抑制性ニューロンに関する研究
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 赤城忠臣, 河田亮, 高橋理
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学人体構造学講座組織学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 48
Number : 2
Page : 71-79
Year/Month : 2013 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」ヒト中枢神経系においてニューロン以上の数的支配を示すグリア細胞と脳機能との連関はいまだその全貌が明らかではない. 従来, グリア細胞は血液脳関門の形成, 髄鞘の形成, 神経栄養因子の放出および貪食作用などいわゆるニューロン機能を支持すると考えられたが, 近年になり神経回路網におけるシナプス伝達そのものを制御し得る事実が示されてきた1-3). グリア細胞は星状膠細胞, 稀突起膠細胞および小膠細胞の3種より構成されるが, 特に数的に優位を示す星状膠細胞はニューロンの細胞体および軸索終末に接触しシナプスを包囲するのみならず, 種々の神経伝達物質に対して即時的に応答し, グルタミン酸, アデノシン三リン酸(ATP)など細胞間メッセンジャーを放出する. すなわちニューロンとグリア細胞の間に存在する機能連関が中枢神経系の機能, 発生, 発育の解析に重要であることが強く示唆される4,5).
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 三叉神経運動核, 顎運動, グリア細胞, S100タンパク


Title : Study of neurons and glial cells in the trigeminal motor nucleus and inhibitory neurons projecting to the trigeminal motor nucleus
Subtitle :
Authors : Tadaomi AKAGI, Akira KAWATA, Osamu TAKAHASHI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Histology, Embryology and Neuroanatomy, Department of Anatomy, Kanagawa Dental College
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 48
Number : 2
Page : 71-79
Year/Month : 2013 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Recent advances in the understanding of glia-neuron networks have revealed that, glial cells in the hippocampus and cerebellum respond differently within the neural network. However, detailed studies of the distribution and role of glial cells in parts of the brain stem such as the pons-medulla are still undertaken. First of all the aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of glial cells in the trigeminal motor nucleus (TMN) innervating the masseter muscle. We observed S100-like immunoreactivity in many regions of the brain stem, including the TMN. Furthermore, we found that many S100-like immunoreactive cells were distributed in the ventromedial subnucleus of the TMN, which innervates the jaw-opening muscles. Recent reports have shown that the S100 protein functioned as a neurotransmitter in neurons from the astrocytes, and regulated neural activity in the brain. Thus, these results suggest the possibility that S100-positive cells in the TMN may participate in the formation of neural circuit involved in masticatory movements, especially in jaw opening. Secondary the aim of this study was to detect, the TMN and its surrounding regions containing commissural GABAergic and glycinergic neurons that project axons to the contralateral TMN. In the present study, we used digoxigenin-labeled probes to detect gultamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD-67) and glycine transporter 2 (GLYT-2) mRNAs by in situ hybridization. We observed expressions of GAD-67 and GLYT-2 mRNAs in the region around the TMN (especially the supratrigeminal nucleus). Some neurons expressed either GAD-67 mRNA or GLYT-2 mRNA, and some neurons expressed both the mRNAs. Previous studies have shown that GAD-67 and GLYT-2 are often co-localized in trigeminal premotor neurons. Our observation that some neurons in the supratrigeminal nucleus co-express GAD-67 and GLYT-2 mRNAs is consistent with these previous findings.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :