


Title : アクチグラフを用いた舌喉頭矯正術による睡眠障害改善の評価
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 篠田健一, 山本伊佐夫, 中川貴美子, 大平寛, 山田良広, 向井將*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学大学院災害医療歯科学講座法医歯科学, *医療法人社団華青会向井診療所
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 48
Number : 2
Page : 80-87
Year/Month : 2013 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」一般成人を対象とした疫学調査によれば, 日本人の21.4%が不眠の訴えを持ち, 14.9%が日中の眠気に悩んでいる1-2). 睡眠障害は高血圧, 高脂血症, 糖尿病, 虚血性心疾患などの生活習慣病やうつ病, アルツハイマー病などと因果関係を有することが明らかになりつつある3-5). また, 睡眠障害は健康への悪影響のみならず, 作業能率の低下, 交通事故の誘発, ヒューマンエラー, 経済的損失など社会的にも問題となっている6-8). 睡眠障害の治療法には, 薬物療法, 生活改善教育, 精神療法, 高照度光療法などがあり, 閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群(OSAS)に対しては, 内科では持続陽圧呼吸療法(以下, CPAP), 歯科ではスリープスプリント, 耳鼻科では軟口蓋咽頭形成術などが行われている9-11). 舌喉頭偏位症(以下, ADEL)は, 舌小帯の有無に関わらずオトガイ舌筋の緊張と舌および喉頭の前上方への偏位のため, 上気道の抵抗が増加し呼吸障害を引き起こす.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 舌喉頭偏位症, 舌喉頭矯正術, アクチグラフ, 睡眠障害


Title : Evaluation of improvement on sleep disorder using actigraph after the correction of the Ankyloglossia with Deviation of the Epiglottis and Larynx
Subtitle :
Authors : Kenich SHINODA, Isao YAMAMOTO, Kimiko NAKAGAWA, Hiroshi OHIRA, Yoshihiro YAMADA, Susumu MUKAI*
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Disaster Relief Medicine/Dentistry, Division of Forensic Dentistry, Graduate School of Kanagawa Dental University, *Otorhinolaryngological Division of Mukai Clinic
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 48
Number : 2
Page : 80-87
Year/Month : 2013 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Changes of sleep qualities were measured on 20 adults that had chief complaints with sleep disorders. They had Correction of the epiglottis and larynx (CGL) operation for their Ankyloglossia with Deviation of the Epiglottis and Larynx (ADEL). Their sleep qualities were compared before CGL with one month after CGL. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and wrist-band style actinography that built in high-sensitive accelerometer were employed for evaluation of their sleep qualities. ESS were improved from 12.8+-5.7 to 7.3+-3.3 (p<0.01), and PSQI were from 6.4+-3.5 to 3.8+-2.8 (p<0.01), respectively. Improvements of sleep in daytime and sleep quality were affirmed. Significant improvements were observed in the length of sleeping time during daytime, sleep efficiency, arousal time after sleep and the longest sleeping time by measurements of actigraphy. Ameliorations of respiration during sleep were resulted in increase of sleep efficiency, decrease of daytime sleepiness. It was shown that the CGL was useful treatment for the improvement of sleep disorders among ADEL patients.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :