


Title : 残留精液中の精子DNAのDNA分析における耐久性の検討(衣服付着の場合衣服のクリーニング後, 体表面付着の場合入浴後について)
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 大石俊一, 大平寛, 山田良広
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学社会医歯学系社会歯科学講座法医学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 48
Number : 2
Page : 88-103
Year/Month : 2013 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」日本に於ける性犯罪は年々増加しており1), 男性が関与する性犯罪では, 精液・精子は容疑者を特定する最も重要な鑑定試料である. 容疑者の特定には残留した精液の証明から始まり, 遺伝形質である血液型やDNAの型判定を行うが, 特にDNA鑑定は, 男性DNAと女性DNAが混合しても, PCR法で男性のY染色体DNAの特定領域を選択的に分析でき, さらに精液に含まれる精子は保存性が高く, 長期にわたって鑑定が可能であるといわれているため, 最近ではDNA鑑定が適応される事例が多くなっている2-4). 強姦事件の男性容疑者の特定を目的としたDNA鑑定は, 被害女性の体内や体表あるいは着衣に付着した精液・精子からDNAを抽出して, 容疑者のDNAとの照合が行われる. DNA鑑定の結果は照合で一致した型の遺伝子頻度を用いる確率論により引き出されるが, 鑑定の精度を上げるためには一つでも多くのローカスの分析が必要で, そのためには残留した精子が変性・分解されない状態でかつ十分量の採取が条件となっている5,6).
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 歯科法医学, 精液, 精子DNA, 個人識別, STR


Title : Feasibility of DNA analysis based on sperm in residual semen traces from washed clothing and skin after bathing
Subtitle :
Authors : Shyunichi OHISHI, Hiroshi OHIRA, Yoshihiro YAMADA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Forensic Medicine, Department of Dental Sociology
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 48
Number : 2
Page : 88-103
Year/Month : 2013 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Evidence from cases of sexual assault has been increasing recently in Japan, the majority of the victims being female. DNA analysis can provide definitive evidence in the search for rapists. In cases of sexual assault, obtaining vaginal swabs from the victims is a standard part of the forensic examination procedure to facilitate molecular genetic analysis. DNA can be extracted from sperm in semen found inside or on the victim's body or clothing for comparison with the DNA of the suspect. In order to ensure that the results of DNA analysis are valid on the grounds of probability, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of non-decomposed or non-denatured DNA from any remaining sperm. In the present study, we investigated the amount of sperm present in semen remaining on a victim's clothing and body surface after a hypothetical rape, as well as the feasibility of performing DNA analysis using traces of semen present on skin after washing and on clothes after cleaning. The DNA extracted from the semen was both qualitatively and quantitatively adequate for analysis using the STR (Identifier・Yfiler) kit, which is the global standard for forensic DNA analysis. Our results revealed that sperm could be collected from clothing even after cleaning, and also from the victim's body, even on the morning after bathing and sleeping. These findings may encourage more rape victims to seek prosecutions, rather than giving up.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :