


Title : 新たな転写因子の検索法についての研究 - BRAK遺伝子の発現上昇に関与する転写因子の検索 -
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 吉田羊子, 生駒丈晴, 小澤重幸, 近藤忠稚, 鈴木健司, 久保田英朗
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学大学院顎顔面外科学講座
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 49
Number : 2
Page : 127-133
Year/Month : 2014 / 12
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」BRAK/CXCL14 (BRAK) はアミノ末端にグルタミン酸, ロイシン, アルギニン残基からなるトリペプチド配列を含まない (non-ELR motif) 抗腫瘍性ケモカインに分類され, 頭頸部扁平上皮癌に対して抗腫瘍効果を有する分子である. BRAKの機能としてはB細胞, 単球, 樹状細胞の遊走性の増加や血管新生抑制作用が知られており, また, 上皮の分化との関連性についても報告されている. 現在明らかとなっているBRAKの発現調節機構は, 上皮増殖因子 (EGF) とその受容体 (EGFR)との結合により活性化されるEGFR-MEK-ERKシグナルによって発現が低下すること, さらには高密度培養法によってカルシウム-カルモジュリンシグナルを介して発現が上昇することが報告されており, 転写開始領域より上流に存在するAP1結合配列, TATA like配列, 及びGC boxが遺伝子発現を制御するプロモーターの活性に重要であることが明らかとなっている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : BRAK/CXCL14, 転写因子, 細胞密度刺激


Title : A study on a search for the new transcription factor - Detection of transcription factors that enhance expression of BRAK gene -
Subtitle :
Authors : Youko YOSHIDA, Takeharu IKOMA, Shigeyuki OZAWA, Tadanori KONDO, Kenji SUZUKI, Eiro KUBOTA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kanagawa Dental University, Graduate School of Dentistry
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 49
Number : 2
Page : 127-133
Year/Month : 2014 / 12
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Chemokine BRAK/CXCL14 (BRAK) is expressed in normal squamous epithelium but not expressed or expressed only negligible level in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. We have previously demonstrated that expression of BRAK mRNA showed cell-density-dependent up-regulation by cell contact. However, subcellular mechanisms of cell-density-dependent BRAK expression are still unknown. In this study, we tried to determine transcription factors that affect BRAK expression by comprehensively analyzing the gene expression using a cDNA microarray. After culturing HSC-3 cells (a head and neck squamous cell carcinoma derived cell line) in high density culture conditions, we extracted total RNA and analyzed genes that associated with BRAK expression. We found 1883 genes that upregulated with BRAK expression. Then we applied the information extraction system provided by Nalapro Technologies Inc., Tokyo. This information extraction system uses natural language processing and text mining technology. This system analyzes the sentences and titles from abstracts stored in the PubMed database, and can automatically extract binary relations that consist of interactions between genes/proteins, chemicals and diseases/functions. We could extract 5 transcription factors, SP1, BACH2, PAX5, JUN, NFκB, which could affect BRAK expression by the text mining. We constructed Sh-RNAs against these factors and transfected them into HSC3 cells. Among these Sh-RNAs, SP1 could only attenuated the stimulation of BRAK mRNA expression in high-density cultures, and thus considered to be a transcription factor for BRAK gene. From these results, the text mining technology would be helpful for analyzing target transcription factors for BRAK regulation.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : BRAK/CXCL14