


Title : 災害時拘束ストレスを唾液タンパク質の酸化により測定する試み
Subtitle : 原著
Authors : 谷口紀江1, 飯塚純子2, 向井義晴2, 高垣裕子3
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1神奈川歯科大学大学院放射線応用科学講座, 2神奈川歯科大学大学院う蝕制御修復学講座, 3神奈川歯科大学大学院口腔科学講座硬組織分子細胞生物学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 50
Number : suppl
Page : 71-74
Year/Month : 2015 /
Article : 原著
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」近年, 自然災害などにより緊急避難という事態が頻回にみられるようになった. 近未来首都圏直下型地震が起こるとも言われている. 首都圏直下型地震を想定した場合, 避難所生活を余儀なくされる方が多いと考えられる. 先行きに対する不安感と, 限られたスペースでの生活は, 避難者に大きなストレスを与える. 血液中にはコルチゾールをはじめ, ストレス応答時に放出される成分も含まれるが, 痛みを伴う採血そのものがストレス負荷となり得る. 従って, ストレス評価そのものは場所を問わず簡便に行えることが望ましい. その点, 唾液の採取は非侵襲的なうえ, 在宅時の採取も患者にとり精神的負担が少なく, 安定した供給が期待される. 唾液分泌は自律神経支配であり, ストレスにより唾液量や唾液中の構成成分が影響を受ける. その際, ストレス反応により内因性ホルモン物質などが血中に放出されると, 同じ物質が唾液中にも移行することで唾液中の濃度が上昇する.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 唾液, ストレス, タンパク質, 酸化


Title : Assessment of Individual Restraint Stress by Measuring Salivary Protein Oxidation Using Confocal Laser Raman Spectroscopy
Subtitle :
Authors : Motoe TANIGUCHI1, Junko IIZUKA2, Yoshiharu MUKAI1, Yuko MIKUNI-TAKAGAKI3
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1Departmenat of Padiopraxis science Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School, 2Departmenat of Cariology and Restoratixe Dentistry Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School, 3Departmenat of Oral scienses, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Mineralized Tissues Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 50
Number : suppl
Page : 71-74
Year/Month : 2015 /
Article : Original article
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] In recent years, Japan encountered many major natural disasters, which forced hundreds and thousands of people to evacuate from their residences and live in emergency shelters for a long period. Many reports have described the severity of life in such shelters, with limited space and no privacy. The resulting anxiety is extremely stressful for evacuees. Some people suffer more than others resulting in mental disorders, typically depression, or physical symptoms such as cardiovascular disease triggered by the situation. In order to predict the onset of such diseases and to evaluate to what extent each person suffers, collection of saliva for testing may be less invasive and easier to perform than drawing blood, which is inappropriate for testing apparently healthy evacuees. Saliva samples may provide a means of stress management for evacuees, if it is possible to measure certain salivary parameters under the given conditions. Although parameters such as salivary amylase and chromogranin A have been reported to reflect the stress levels of the individuals, preservation of amylase, for example, in the collected saliva is a difficult task in the field away from the laboratory, especially under unfavorable environments. Our method using confocal laser Raman spectroscopy, in contrast, measures the ratio of oxidized salivary proteins, disulphide residues to the amide I, in a precipitate in 70% ethanol. This method is applicable irrespective of protein concentration or the volume of collected saliva, and protects proteins until the samples can be analyzed in laboratories. With an experimental model, we conducted a study to compare oxidized salivary proteins to amylase measurements and confirmed equivalent or better results than the conventional amylase test. Sample collection in the field necessitates preventive measures for denaturation of proteins during storage, and the ethanol precipitation method we introduced may substantially expand the scope of more accurate evaluation of stressed individuals.
Practice : Dentistry
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