


Title : 南三陸町歯科医療再生の軌跡 ~東日本大震災の教訓と提言~
Subtitle : 特別事例報告
Authors : 斎藤政二
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 公立南三陸診療所・歯科口腔外科部長, 神奈川歯科大学大学院 横須賀・湘南地域災害医療歯科学研究センター 招聘講師
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 50
Number : suppl
Page : 103-109
Year/Month : 2015 /
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」宮城県の三陸沿岸に位置する南三陸町は, 漁業の盛んな人口17,666人(平成23年2月末)の小さな町であった. 山が海岸にせまっているリアス式海岸特有の地形から, 海沿いの少ない平地に人口が密集していた. そのため東日本大震災の津波被害は甚大で町は壊滅状態となった. 海から200mほどにある公立志津川病院に勤務していた私の環境も, その時を境に一変した. その様は一瞬にして人生の時空をすり替えられたような劇的な変化であった. 死の恐怖を味わい, 喪失感や絶望感に包まれながら歩み始めたのは, 地域歯科医療再生への道だった. 自然災害は繰り返し発生する. 時間軸上で過去の災害が遠ざかっていくということは, 同時に新たな災害が近づいていることを意味する. 震災を風化させてはいけない最大の理由は, 過去の悲惨な経験を決して無駄にすることなく, 今後の教訓にしなければならないからだと考える. 本稿では, 南三陸町での東日本大震災津波被害と歯科医療再生の体験を時系列に記載すると共に, その中で得られた教訓と提言を加え報告する.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 東日本大震災, 津波被害, 災害歯科医療, ノンテクニカルスキル


Title : Post-disaster Recovery of the Dentistry in Minamisanriku-cho - Lesson and Suggestion from the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 -
Subtitle :
Authors : Masaji SAITO
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Public Minamisanriku Clinic
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 50
Number : suppl
Page : 103-109
Year/Month : 2015 /
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Minamisanriku-cho on Japan's east coast was a small fishing town of a population of 17,666 people (at end of February, 2011). The downtown area reduced to rubble by the tsunami. All medical facilities (six private medical clinics, five private dental clinics and one general hospital) were exterminated instantly, too. This report was expressed the tsunami damage and the trace of the dentistry regeneration in Minamisanriku-cho, in chronological order. Tsunami attack and isolated the hospital (March 11~13, 2011) : The tsunami reached the 4th floor of the 5 story Public Shizugawa Hospital where I worked. 74 patients and staff lost their lives. Approximately 230 survivors waited for help in the fifth floor. I was rescued by a helicopter with some patients at the third day morning after the tsunami. Phase I (March 20~April 15, 2011) : The dental treatment during this period is divided into two mainly. One was treatment in a dental practice bus at the Bayside Arena where became a maximum refuge. And another was patrol dental treatment for evacuees of other refuge. Phase II (April 18,2011~March 30,2012) : Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps opened medical center consisting of six prefab houses with medical supply. After they left, we used the facility as Public Sizugawa Temporary Clinic. However there were not plumbing equipment and dental equipment. Dental equipment was sent by warm support from all over the country. The work at the temporary clinic was affected by wind, rain, summer intense heat and winter severe cold. Phase III (April 2, 2012~present) : One year after the earthquake disaster, Public Minamisanriku Clinic opened in multipurpose ground by the Bayside Arena. This facility was the secondary temporary clinic and built in a contribution from the Japan Red Cross. Outpatient service was enabled same as before the earthquake disaster. But there was not an inpatients' ward. Patients have to go to Tome city 35km away from Minamisanriku-cho for admission. Both patients and the medical staff still have various hardships. Important points as a dentist in a large-scale disaster were to never give up any severe situation and to continue dental treatment by every possible means.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :