


Title : 災害に活用できる歯科医療画像伝送システム
Subtitle : 紹介論文
Authors : 竹内良平1,2, 大平寛3, 山本伊佐夫3, 櫻井孝4, 貞森拓磨5, 原田博司6, 石津健太郎6, 福重秀文7, 寺村允安8, 宮内英樹7, 高垣裕子1
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1神奈川歯科大学大学院口腔科学講座硬組織分子細胞生物学分野, 2横須賀市民病院, 3災害医療歯科学講座法医歯科学分野, 4放射線応用科学講座, 5広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院救急医学, 6独立行政法人情報通信研究機構, 7インフォコム(株), 8(株)HIROICT研究所
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 50
Number : suppl
Page : 148-152
Year/Month : 2015 /
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」平成23年3月, 未曽有の大災害である東日本大震災が発生, 身元の確認作業が困難を極め, 平素から身元確認のための態勢を整備しておくことの重要性が改めて認識され, 身元確認の実施に係る体制やシステムの充実強化が喫緊の課題となっている. 今後, 首都直下地震を始めとする大規模災害が発生する可能性があること等を勘案すると, 身元確認を推進する重要性はますます高まり, 平成26年6月内閣府より「死因究明等(死因究明と身元確認)の推進計画」が提示された. その内容は, 身元確認訓練推進による受検者の拡大とその技術向上や, 身元確認のための科学的な調査充実及び身元確認に係るデータベースの整備等を関係省庁, 自治体, 歯科医療機関・大学が連携して推進することが求められている. 本調査研究では, 3年間にわたりICTを活用した「歯科医療画像伝送モデルシステム構築」を提案し, 災害訓練時の検証によりその有用性を確認した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : デジタルデンタルチャート, Microdotted paper, 電子ペン, 身元確認, 災害


Title : Construction of transmission system for dental chart operational in disaster
Subtitle :
Authors : Ryohei TAKEUCHI1,2, Hiroshi OHIRA3, Isao YAMAMOTO3, Takashi SAKURAI4, Takuma SADAMORI5, Hiroshi HARADA6, Kentaro ISHIZU6, Hidefumi HUKUSHIGE7, Nobuyasu TERAMURA8, Hideki MIYAUCHI7, Yuko MIKUNI-TAKAGAKI1
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1Department of Oral Sciences, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Mineralized Tissues, Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School of Dentistry, 2Yokosuka City Hospital Center for Joint Surgery, 3Department of Forensic Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School of Dentistry, 4Department of Radiopraxis science, Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School of Dentistry, 5Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 6National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Smart Wireless Laboratory, 7INFOCOM Corporation, 8HIRO ICT Laboratory
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 50
Number : suppl
Page : 148-152
Year/Month : 2015 /
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] Dental charts have been used as a source of information in forensic personal identification. As a global standard for mass disasters, INTERPOL (International Police Organization) has implemented a program to utilize English-based Disaster Victim Identification forms including dental chart. If digitally standardized in multiple languages, it will be shared by nationals speaking different languages. Such a computerized database of post-mortem dental data records, which comprise standardized dental chart linked with other information such as images and are saved in a server or a cloud computer, would be extremely useful following such a mass disaster. Currently, dental charting at the time of a disaster is generally carried out by handwriting the information on a paper-based dental chart before manual input into a computer. Available radiographic facial or intraoral images, either analog or digital, have to be stored separately. To create a comprehensive and more permanent database accessible world-wide, we have developed a system that uses a digital pen with an image microprocessor that digitizes and records handwritten characters and drawings on the dental chart on a microdotted paper-based dental chart. The data stored in the built-in memory of digital pen are then transferred to a computer or tablet via Bluetooth. Through the cognitive wireless router, the information is further transferred to a remote data center. Radiographic or other images are also transferred into the same folder under the unique ID number. After conducting several practical tests, we confirmed flawless data transfers as well as the feasibility of our digital dental chart. Data on our digital dental chart of improved lay-out for accommodation of any language are quickly stored in the database, facilitating the worldwide search for missing individuals by matching antemortem dental records. This technology will help preventing the misidentification and significantly expediting the identification processes following massive natural disasters.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords : Microdotted paper