


Title : 身元確認研修会プログラムの構築と実施
Subtitle : 紹介論文
Authors : 山田良広1,2, 山本伊佐夫1,2, 大平寛1,2, 中川貴美子1,2, 齊藤麻希1,2
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1神奈川歯科大学大学院災害医療歯科学講座法医歯科学分野, 2神奈川歯科大学大学院 横須賀・湘南地域災害医療歯科学研究センター
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 50
Number : suppl
Page : 166-169
Year/Month : 2015 /
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」東日本大震災における身元確認は多くの開業歯科医師により行われた. 作業に従事した歯科医師からは, 「はじめてみる遺体に何もできなかった.」「するべきことはわかっていてもはじめて行うので勝手がわからなかった.」などの感想を耳にした. 身元確認の研修会は従来座学を中心に行われ, 実習としてはほとんどの研修会で遺体の口腔内写真を用いたデンタルチャート(DC)の記載の練習のみであった. より現場での作業に近い状況で行うためには遺体様歯科マネキンは不可欠であったが, これまで検視検案に特化したマネキンは存在しなかった. 我々は検視検案作業に従事した経験から遺体様歯科マネキンの設計を行った. さらに効果的なDCの作製のための基礎知識を供与するための講義と実習を組み込んだ効率的な研修会のプログラムを構築し, 実際の研修会で用いた. 「材料および方法」「1. 研修会と防災訓練」教室員が手分けをして参加した.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 身元確認, 研修会, 遺体用マネキン


Title : Planning and training seminar in dental identification
Subtitle :
Authors : Yoshihiro YAMADA1,2, Isao YAMAMOTO1,2, Hiroshi OHIRA1,2, Kimiko NAKAGAWA1,2, Maki SAITO1,2
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1Department of Disaster Relief Medicine/ Dentistry, Division of Forensic Dentistry, 2Yokosuka-Shonan Disaster Health Emergency Research Center, Graduate School of Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental University
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 50
Number : suppl
Page : 166-169
Year/Month : 2015 /
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] In the event of a natural disaster, it is important to have staff that are well trained in various aspects of dental identification. The major earthquake that struck the Tohoku and Kanto regions of Japan on March 11, 2011, was unprecedented in scale and severity. Furthermore, the tsunami generated by the earthquake was of a scale that far surpassed any assumptions based on past experience, and caused serious widespread damage. The field of forensic dentistry, or forensic odontology, has existed for many years, and the idea of becoming involved in dental identification has become increasingly popular since 1985 in Japan. A number of forensic dentists are now registered at universities in Japan, and dental associations often call on practical dentists to engage in field work as volunteers. Many of these dentists may not necessarily have much experience, but need to establish a scientific basis for their decisions when practicing as forensic experts in areas devastated by natural disasters. Although practicing dentists have performed admirably using their basic dental training when called upon to help in forensic cases, the work was unfamiliar to many of the newcomers, and they found it difficult to adapt to the unfamiliar environment. We planned a program for an effective workshop by constructing a mannequin to represent victim remains, and tried to recreate an environment that closely resembled actual working conditions in the field. The reliability of a dentist's scientific opinion is paramount. Personal experience and training as well as independent verification from forensic colleagues on a team basis is the best approach. Furthermore, it is important to apply DNA analysis positively, independent of dental findings, to achieve more effective identification.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :