


Title : 歯科金属アレルギーのため腹部大動脈狭窄症へのステントグラフト挿入術を中止した一例
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 佐藤温洋, 古出智子, 青木一孝
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学大学院歯学研究科全身管理医歯学講座内科学
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 54
Number : 1
Page : 18-22
Year/Month : 2019 / 6
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」金属が皮膚, 粘膜に接触すると感作が成立し金属アレルギーを発症することがある. 金属アレルギーは, 金属が皮膚に直接接触して発症する金属接触アレルギーと, 歯科金属や食品に含まれた微量な金属が体内に吸収されて発症する全身型金属アレルギーがある. 金属アレルギーの中でも歯科で口腔内に使用された金属元素が原因としてアレルギー反応が惹起された場合に歯科金属アレルギーと言われる. 口腔内の症状には扁平苔癬, 口内炎などがあり, 口腔外の症状には掌蹠膿疱症, 異汗性湿疹などがある. また, 歯科金属アレルギーの発症が疑われる症例は, 背景として, アレルギー性鼻炎や特定の食品に対するアレルギーなど, 既に特異的IgEが関与する別のアレルギー疾患を有していることが有意に多く, 歯科金属アレルギーの発症には体質的な要素が関連している可能性が報告されている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 歯科金属アレルギー, 掌蹠膿疱症, パッチテスト, ステントグラフト


Title : Dental metal allergy as contraindication for aortic stent graft insertion : A case report
Subtitle :
Authors : Haruhiro SATO, Tomoko KOIDE, Kazutaka AOKI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Department of Critical Care Medicine and Dentistry, Graduate School of Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental University
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 54
Number : 1
Page : 18-22
Year/Month : 2019 / 6
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] A 71-year-old Japanese man was referred to Kanagawa Dental University Hospital due to suspected metal allergy. The patient had been suffering from pain in both legs for several months; therefore, he visited a local clinic, followed by a consultation in the cardiovascular disease clinic at another hospital. As computed tomography showed abdominal aortic sclerosis and stenosis with calcification, the cardiologist diagnosed ischemia of legs secondary to the abdominal aortic stenosis and recommended insertion of a stent graft with cobalt and chrome to dilate the stenosis. However, 10 years before the current events, the patient had been diagnosed with palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) by a dermatologist, who suspected that the PPP was due to dental metal allergy. Therefore, the patient was referred to our hospital, where a metal patch test was performed; he was diagnosed with dental metal allergy. He underwent dental procedures for replacement of the metal that acted as an allergen, after which PPP spontaneously improved; thus, a definitive diagnosis of PPP caused by dental metal allergy was established. However, the type of metal allergen remained unknown, as his medical file had been legally abandoned. The patch test undertaken at present was negative for all types of metals, including cobalt and chrome. Nevertheless, he refused stent graft insertion for dilating the aortic stenosis because of his history of PPP. Therefore, the insertion was not performed, and medical treatment was continued. Metal hypersensitivity tests, including patch test, should be performed in patients with a history of metal allergy. Thus, it is important to obtain an accurate medical history, including dental metal allergy, when medical devices with any types of metal need to be used in patients.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :