


Title : 顎矯正手術を併用せずに矯正単独治療を行った下顎側方偏位を伴う骨格性上顎前突症例
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 石渡麻美
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 上大岡にしだ歯科クリニック
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 54
Number : 1
Page : 23-29
Year/Month : 2019 / 6
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」下顎側方偏位を伴う顔面非対称患者においては, 咀嚼・嚥下などの機能障害とともに審美障害を主訴に来院されることがある. 下顎側方偏位は咬頭干渉などにより機能性に偏位しているものと, 左右非対称な下顎の成長により骨格性に偏位しているものなどがある. 機能性の下顎側方偏位は矯正治療により機能障害を除去することが基本的な治療と考えられ, 骨格性の偏位に関しては矯正治療単独での改善が困難な場合も多く, 審美的にも外科的矯正治療を選択することが望ましい. しかし, 外科的矯正治療においては, 出血, 知覚麻痺, 術後の炎症や入院期間など手術におけるリスクやデメリットがある. また, 下顎側方偏位の外科的矯正治療においては, 下顎の回転移動が必要で, ときに下顎枝部での大きな変位を生じることがあるとされており, 術後の咬合の安定に影響がでやすいとされている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 矯正単独治療, 下顎側方偏位症例


Title : A skeletal maxillary protrusion malocclusion with lateral deviation case report of orthodontic treatment without orthognathic surgery
Subtitle :
Authors : Mami ISHIWATA
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Kamioooka Nishida Dental Clinic
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 54
Number : 1
Page : 23-29
Year/Month : 2019 / 6
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] A 24-year-old woman who had skeletal Class II malocclusion with severe lateral deviation underwent successful orthognathic surgery. This case was regarded as borderline between the patient requiring orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgical treatment. However, given the patient's strong desire to avoid orthognathic surgery, the patient underwent dental compensation with a multi-bracket system. A case of combined surgical and orthodontic therapy is often the treatment of choice because it has a satisfying outcome, and the results tend to be stable. Sometimes, however, patients will not accept surgery as part of the treatment, as it has many demerits, such as bleeding, anesthesia, inflammation, and length of hospital stay. Considering all the advantages and disadvantages, a nonsurgical treatment approach and its outcomes are herein reported. Most patients with lateral deviation have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. This is the one of the motives to visit a hospital. In this case, the patient had TMJ disorder. She experienced TMJ dysfunction pain and clicking. Therefore, the treatments should be not only esthetic, but also functional. In addition, midline correction is important. Toward the end of the treatment in this case, esthetic satisfaction and functional occlusion was achieved. The 4-year posttreatment follow-up records show the stability of this treatment.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :