


Title : 第I期治療における上顎埋伏犬歯の開窓, 牽引症例について
Subtitle : 症例
Authors : 小野崎純
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 神奈川歯科大学大学院歯学研究科高度先進口腔医学講座歯科矯正学分野
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 54
Number : 2
Page : 108-116
Year/Month : 2019 / 12
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」歯科矯正臨床において, 埋伏歯はしばしば散見される歯の位置異常の一つである. その中でも上顎犬歯の埋伏は, 永久歯への交換において大きな問題となり, 第II期治療にも多大な影響を与える要因となる. 埋伏した上顎犬歯が, 隣接する側切歯, 中切歯の歯根吸収を起こしていることも稀ではなく, 上顎犬歯の埋伏が原因となって, 側切歯に38%, 中切歯に9%の歯根吸収が見られたという. このように上顎の埋伏した犬歯が原因歯となって, 側切歯, 中切歯に歯根吸収を生じた場合, 歯根吸収が進行しても自覚症状を伴わないため, 発見時には顕著に歯根吸収が進行している場合もあり, その後の治療計画の立案に苦慮することも多い. 今回, 他院からの依頼により第I期治療を行った上顎犬歯埋伏症例3症例について, 若干の知見が得られたので報告する. 「症例」[症例1] 1. 初診時年齢:11歳5か月. 2. 性別:男. 3. 主訴:糸切り歯が埋まっているので受診するように言われた.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : 埋伏犬歯, 開窓, 牽引, 第I期治療


Title : Fenestration and retraction of impacted maxillary canines during first-phase treatment
Subtitle :
Authors : Jun ONOZAKI
Authors(kana) :
Organization : Division of Orthodontics, Department of Highly Advanced Stomatology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental University
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 54
Number : 2
Page : 108-116
Year/Month : 2019 / 12
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] We carried out first-phase treatment of impacted maxillary canines by fenestration and retraction in three patients referred to us from other hospitals. In Case 1, because in addition to the impacted right maxillary canine, the right lateral incisor was also impacted and the root of the lateral incisor was severely curved, it was judged that natural eruption was unlikely and both the canine and incisor were fenestrated and retracted. In Case 2, the impacted maxillary canine had caused resorption of the root of the lateral incisor, and if left untreated this resorption might progress to the point at which the lateral incisor could not be saved, the canine was therefore fenestrated and retracted. In Case 3, the cusp of the impacted maxillary canine was located between the roots of the central and lateral incisor, and both bilateral canines may have been displaced teeth. The crown of the canine was also pressing strongly against the crown of the lateral incisor, giving rise to concern that root resorption of the lateral incisor might occur, and the canine was therefore fenestrated and retracted. In all three cases, the impacted maxillary canines erupted successfully following fenestration and retraction, making this an effective first-phase treatment in preparation for second-phase treatment. Because the results of first-phase treatment have a major impact on the planning of second-phase treatment, it is important to share the basic treatment strategy with the requesting doctor at the start of first-phase treatment and present the patient and his/her parents or guardians with a consistent treatment strategy, including matters such as who carries out which procedures, the treatment period, and treatment costs for both first-phase and second-phase treatment by both doctors before the treatment is started.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :