


Title : 義歯の取り扱いに関する患者アンケート調査
Subtitle : 調査
Authors : 福山卓志1), 満田茂樹1), 岩下英夫1), 濱野奈穂1), 三宅忠隆1,2), 北條了3), 井野智1)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)神奈川歯科大学附属横浜クリニック成人歯科・MI補綴部門, 2)医療法人審美会鶴見歯科医院, 3)長谷川歯科医院
Journal : 神奈川歯学
Volume : 54
Number : 2
Page : 122-127
Year/Month : 2019 / 12
Article : 報告
Publisher : 神奈川歯科大学学会
Abstract : 「緒言」近年, 8020運動等の啓発活動の効果もあり, 高齢者の残存歯数は飛躍的に増加し, また, 固定性インプラント治療も普及し, 国民の歯科的QOLは各段に向上している. 一方で超高齢化社会を迎え, 欠損歯を抱える患者数は今もなお多く, 75歳以上の喪失歯保有率は90%を超えており, 部分床義歯装着者の割合は40%を超えており, 今後も有床義歯装着患者は増加すると予測されている. また, 認知機能を含めて生活機能が低下した患者の場合, 義歯の衛生状態が悪化することが報告されている. 毎食後, 細かく複雑な形態・構造である義歯を視力が低下し手先が不自由になった高齢者が, 専用の洗浄剤とブラシを用いて清掃を行うことは困難であるため, 医療従事者が説明・指導しても患者本人が適切に行えない場合がある. そのため, 患者のみならず介護者に義歯清掃指導を行い, 義歯の衛生環境の維持に努めることが推奨されている.
Practice : 歯科学
Keywords : アンケート調査, 義歯清掃, 義歯洗浄剤, 義歯用ブラシ


Title : Questionnaire survey on Denture Cleanliness and Hygiene Habits in Edentulous Patients
Subtitle :
Authors : Takushi FUKUYAMA1), Shigeki MITSUDA1), Hideo IWASHITA1), Naho HAMANO1), Tadataka MIYAKE1,2), Satoru HOJO3), Satoshi INO1)
Authors(kana) :
Organization : 1)Division of Minimal Intervention Prosthodontics, Department of General Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental University Yokohama Clinic, 2)Tsurumi dental clinic, 3)Hasegawa dental clinic
Journal : Kanagawa Shigaku
Volume : 54
Number : 2
Page : 122-127
Year/Month : 2019 / 12
Article : Report
Publisher : Kanagawa Odontological Society
Abstract : [Abstract] The aim of this study was to obtain information about the denture cleaning habits among the elderly using a factfinding survey method. Information essential for the maintenance of optimal oral environments among denture wearers were collected. The questionnaire-based survey carried out from August 2016 to March 2018 included questions on denture wearing time, the use of denture stabilizers, brushes, and cleaners, denture care while asleep, storage methods, and the cleaning instructions obtained from dental health professionals. The results of the survey indicated that many denture wearers used denture brushes and cleaner tablets, whereas some of them used a toothbrush and toothpaste for denture cleaning. The percentage of people who received denture cleaning instructions from dental professionals was 87%. Furthermore, 83% of the elderly used both mechanical and chemical denture cleaning methods, and 72% slept without the denture in the mouth. The majority of the elderly people who used toothbrushes for denture cleaning had existing teeth (partial denture wearers), indicating that they may have used this method to clean both natural teeth and dentures at the same time. Thus, the partial denture wearers may not have been aware of the use of a different brush based on the cleaning target. Although the denture hygiene levels of the patients were not examined in the present study, it may prove beneficial for evaluating the cleanliness of the denture during the dental visit in order to monitor their denture hygiene awareness. In conclusion, dental professionals should provide patients with appropriate denture cleaning and storage protocols according to the background of the denture wearer. In addition, a precise consensus regarding denture hygiene should be developed in the future.
Practice : Dentistry
Keywords :